BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — It’s getting hotter outside, and that means your electric bill is probably getting a little higher.
This week, we spoke to Katie Allen from PG&E about ways you can cut the costs as temperatures soar.
“PG&E recommends setting your thermostats at 78 degrees or higher, health permitting,” said Allen. “And that’s an important piece to saving energy. The heating and cooling system accounts for more than 40% of the energy usage in a home, so any small change you can make on that thermostat or ensuring you can make sure that the units are working efficiently. So closely watch that thermostat this week.”
Allen says this really is the best way to cut costs. Another way to keep cool but save money is by running a fan and raising that temperature at home just a few degrees.
She says keeping the air circulating is the best way to stay cool. Not only this, but keeping blinds and curtains closed during the hottest parts of the day will keep homes cooler too.
The cooler your house stays naturally, the less energy you’ll use trying to keep it cold.