COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) – It’s time to get out those electric blankets because the cold weather has arrived early this year, but don’t worry… we have some money-saving tips to help you prepare your home as temperatures begin to drop.
Step one to stay warm and save money — keep that cold air out because energy usage in your home goes up as temperatures drop this week.
Alabama Power has tools to help you lower your energy usage, which will lower your bill, whether setting your thermostat at 68 degrees while away, opening your blinds during the day or even rethinking turning on that fireplace.
“That fireplace is continuing to suck that warm air out of the house and out the chimney,” said Alabama Power Spokesman Mike Jordan.
Jordan said homeowners should seal all air leaks around windows and doors. He says those cracks cost customers more money as they crank up the heat.
“We have a view my usage tool that allows a customer to actually track how much money they’re using on any particular day,” said Jordan.
Another tip is to close all vents in the attic or foundation walls during cold weather but open them back up if the weather starts to get warm again. Jordan says there are also items you can purchase that can save you money.
One is a portable electric space heater with a programmable thermostat that will lower the temperature when you’re away from the house. Of course, you pay for that but ultimately save money.
“Just observations around the homes and trying to make sure that they understand where those money-saving opportunities are,” said Jordan.
Alabama Power also offers a free service to help customers stabilize seasonal variations in energy bills.
If you want more information on how to save money in your home, click here.
For information on energy check-ups, click here.
For all information on Alabama Power, click here.
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