Older People Are Sharing Money Advice That They Hope Gen Z’ers Will Take To Heart – BuzzFeed

Older People Are Sharing Money Advice That They Hope Gen Z’ers Will Take To Heart – BuzzFeed

2. “Get a budget together and track your expenses/income to understand your cash flow — a lot of folks love YNAB [You Need A Budget], but it can be done a lot of other ways. That will set you up really well to get a handle on your financial situation and avoid overspending.”

“Once you have an idea of where your money’s going, check out the Prime Directive on r/personalfinance. It will give you an idea of where to allocate any extra money in your budget based on your financial goals.

With those two in place, you should be able to get 90-plus% of the way toward some solid personal finance habits/lifestyle. From there, it’s usually just tweaking and planning around your life situation/goals.

Also, an oversimplified but helpful reminder that retirement is a number, not an age. If you start planning now, you’ll have way more time and flexibility to build something for retirement than if you start even 10 years later.”


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