As holiday goers look for last-minute Bank Holiday and Jubilee weekend deals, finding a bargain is going to be a top priority given the cost of living rise.
Financial comparison website NerdWallet has drawn up a list of ways you could save money and bag a last-minute holiday bargain.
Personal finance expert Brean Horne has given her five tips to saving when booking a trip away.
Sign up for cheap flight groups
You could bag a discount by turning up to cheap flight groups such as Jack’s Flight Club or Airfare Watchdog, who seek to give their members discounts on travel.
Compare hotels to private accommodation
You could compare the cost of hiring an apartment/villa against a hotel. This could be especially cost-effective if you’re travelling in large groups. You may be able to save money by booking an apartment or private villa rather than opting for a hotel.
Save on airport parking
If you plan on parking at the airport, try to book as early as possible to get a cheaper rate. It’s worth planning ahead and comparing car parks to see if you can save before you fly.
Use this Fare finder hack
A little-known tip is by searching online for “fare finder” , you can quickly find low prices for train tickets and flights from some of the leading operators.
Buy annual insurance
By purchasing your travel insurance annually, you can cover yourself for multiple trips and enjoy breaks away with peace of mind.