If you’re a regular listener, you’ve heard us talk about having a good time for a good cause.
This time, we want to take a moment to talk good jobs for a good cause.

There’s probably no organization in northeast Missouri that knows more about the needs of area non-profit organizations than the United Way of the Mark Twain Area.
Through their fund raising efforts, the United Way financially supports some 20 area non-profits and a number of these folks are looking for employees to help their missions come to life.
The United Way is putting out the word to help these organizations fill their vacant positions.
According to United Way Executive Director Denise Damron, “These organizations need people talent. They are feeding the souls of many in our community – some are doing that by literally providing essential food, but others are imparting knowledge on young people, being a safe haven for people in times of trouble, providing relief for families falling on hard times, helping individuals with disabilities, and so much more. The work of these organizations is beyond rewarding and heartwarming.”
Among the area United Way agencies that have job openings, with links and/or contact information:
AVENUES – avenueshelp.org
The Child Advocacy Center – cacnemo.org
Douglass Community Services – douglassonline.org
Harvest Outreach – Looking for a Loaves & Fishes Coordinator. Call 573-277-8833.
Legal Services – lsem.org
Learning Opportunities/Quality Works – loqw.com
Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center – monroecitynutritioncenter.com
Monroe City Student Success Center – monroe.k12.mo.us
NECAC – necac.org
Salvation Army – centralusa.salvationarmy.org
Shelby County Senior Center – Looking for a part-time cook and in-home aid. Call 573-588-7669.
YMCA of Hannibal – Stop by the front desk or call 573-221-0586 about open positions. They have openings in Housekeeping, Pre-School and Personal Training.