With the energy price cap set to rise to £3,549 on average annually from October, many people will be looking for ways to cut back. To help Britons cut back, a service and repair engineer at British Gas has suggested how people can become more energy efficient and save money in the process.
Joanna Flowers said: “Every time I visit a customer, they’re surprised when I tell them how much they can save by making a few easy adjustments around the home.
“And it doesn’t just help them reduce their bills – it’s good news for the environment, too.
“That’s why at British Gas we are on a mission to help customers make small changes around the house that can have a big impact on their finances and the environment!”
The service and repair engineer gave her top tips for saving energy around the home.
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1 Ditch the dryer
She explained that Britons should take advantage of the warmer weather by drying laundry outside where they can, or use a clothes maiden instead of an energy-hungry tumble dryer.
“That can save you £60 a year,” she added.
2 Wash on a colder cycle
Running a washing machine on a 30-degree cycle instead of using higher temperatures can save around £28 on your annual bill, she said.
3 Change your showerhead
Ms Flowers said: “An eco-showerhead uses less water with no loss of pressure. It can save a family of four about £19 off their gas bills – and an extra £30 for those with a water meter.
Ms Flowers continued: “When you need to switch on the lights, get into the habit of only lighting rooms that are being used, and you can expect to save around £20 on your annual energy bills.”
6 Consider energy ratings when buying new appliances.
Lastly If someone is renewing any appliances in the kitchen, they should check the energy ratings of the models they are looking at.
Ms Flowers suggested that people choose more energy-efficient options as this can be a way of making long-term savings.
For example, an A rated fridge freezer can save people around £190 in energy over its lifetime.
Ofgem announced that the energy price cap will increase to £3,549 per year for an average household from October 1, 2022.
The increase of the energy price cap reflects the continued rise in global wholesale gas prices.
Ofgem’s CEO warns of the hardship energy prices will cause this winter and urges the incoming Prime Minister and new cabinet to provide an additional and urgent response to continued surging energy prices.
Jonathan Brearley, CEO of Ofgem, said: “We know the massive impact this price cap increase will have on households across Britain and the difficult decisions consumers will now have to make. I talk to customers regularly and I know that today’s news will be very worrying for many.”
He continued: “We are working with ministers, consumer groups and industry on a set of options for the incoming Prime Minister that will require urgent action.
“The response will need to match the scale of the crisis we have before us. With the right support in place and with regulators, government, industry and consumers working together, we can find a way through this.”