Governor Inslee is heading to the Middle East this week, to attend the United Nations climate change event, known as COP 27, or Conference of Parties, in Egypt. And, taxpayer money is paying for some of it.
According to Inslee official, $28K is being spent.
This week, a variety of world leaders are meeting to discuss climate change, and debate what further ‘restrictions’ they wish to see placed on the fossil fuel industry.
This week, through Thursday, Inslee is slated to attend and participate in at least six different ‘summit’ meetings and presentations. According to his office:
“Gov. Jay Inslee will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16.
The conference is happening at a particularly critical point in time. Scientists say the planet has reached “code red” with several climate indicators reaching record extremes ranging from heat-related deaths to drought-related malnutrition.”
We wondered how much taxpayer money is being spent on this, Inslee has been known to spend it on events that are not necessarily directly related to the business, economy and welfare of Washington state.
Inslee already facing a complaint over July rally
A few weeks ago, Glenn Morgan of the website WeTheGoverened filed an ethics complaint against the Governor and 11 Democratic legislators, alleging they used public taxpayer funding to pay for a series of abortion rallies disguised as press conferences.

Now, according to Inslee’s Deputy Communications Director-Press Secretary, the state is paying for part of this COP 27 trip. When asked what portion of this was taxpayer-funded, he replied:
“Estimate for airfare and transportation is $28,000. The Climate Registry is covering the delegation’s hotel rooms.”
You may also remember three years ago when Inslee refused to reimburse the state for the cost of his WSP Security detail during his badly-failed presidential run.